Letting Go of Work-Related Stress

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While keeping feelings bottled up isn’t an optimal answer, when we spend what could be quality time with loved ones focused on all the stresses of the day, we lose more of our day to job stress. The more time that we focus on work, the less time we are being mindful and present and enjoying the moment. Our supervisors and managers may not be thrilled about it, but we need distractions at work.

  • Psychological stress, especially the one that comes from job stress, affects us in our daily lives, and our overall health by causing physical ailments.
  • Obviously the snack choice should meet any dietary restrictions you might have been given by a physician.
  • The key is to sip your drink of choice slowly and let the stresses of the day fade away.
  • If you’re looking for cheap, simple ways to decompress, odds are you’re not going to have an in-house sauna.

However, as with job stress venting in general, focusing too much on the stress created by difficult co-workers can rob us of the joy of our non-work lives. The problem is that this can magnify stress levels so that they are even higher after the commute home than they were at the end of the workday. If this sounds like you, now is the time to take the reigns and make your commute a time to shrug off the stress of the day.

Drink stress-reducing tea

It can be really helpful to set aside 20 minutes to half an hour (if you’re able to) to just sit down or lie down when you get home to let yourself reset. When you walk through the door at home, mentally tell yourself that you are leaving work outside the door and it isn’t coming into your home with you. Once you’re settled at home if you find your mind wandering back to work, try to gently bring your focus back to the present. If you can (depending on your job of course), turn off work notifications while you’re home. Famous Erwin, LMHC, LPC, is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with over 15 years of counseling experience. Famous is a team member of theTalkspace Council of Mental Health Experts.

While taking regular breaks to de-stress is beneficial, having an unwinding routine post-work is much better. The ten best things you can do before a job interview will help you how to destress after work feel more confident, and make sure that your level of professionalism is on point. Check out these eight productivity killers and see if any of them are sabotaging your workday.

Looking for a therapist?

Keep these notes on hand to check for patterns to see if there’s a deeper reason behind your stress. If it’s tied to a more long-term problem you can’t immediately solve, try another one of the quick relaxer tips below. At Pragmatic Thinking we acknowledge First Nations people both here in Australia and around the world. Now that you’ve got some practical tips up your sleeve it’s time to put what you’ve learnt into action. This will give you the mental clarity you need to relax by getting all those work-based thoughts down on paper in a structured plan. Another fascinating result of regular exercise is that it gives your body the opportunity to practice responding to stress.

How to De-Stress After Work

Read on for seven practical and pragmatic steps you can take to reset and relax after a busy week. No matter how stressful work can be, and the many challenging tasks it might come with, try to take a couple of hours in the day for relaxation and distraction. Psychological stress, especially the one that comes from job stress, affects us in our daily lives, and our overall health by causing physical ailments.

Ways to Cope With Work Stress and Avoid Burnout

Approach the conversation from a place of problem solving, rather than listing out complaints. When you’ve experienced worry and chronic stress for an extended period of time, your mind may tend to jump to conclusions and read into every situation with a negative lens. This might sound overly simple, but it’s easy to underestimate how much stress effects you.

How to De-Stress After Work

Sometimes we don’t notice it because it’s been there the whole time, like a freckle or mole. However, changing freckles or moles are something you want to take the time to check out, right? Sometimes the case with stressful situations is that you’re trying to find a problem or a connection when there isn’t one.

Foam rolling adds pressure to those trigger points, signaling your body to increase blood flow to that area and for your muscle to relax. A full-body routine can help promote relaxation the way getting a massage will. The breathing method is a powerful trick that gives your body an extra boost of oxygen. Deep breathing is an effective way to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression.

You can make gradual changes over time, rather than making lots of changes all at once, to make it more manageable. When you arrive home or end the working day, take some time to rest and decompress. One of the most important things is to have a separation between work and your home life.

Featured Reading

During your hot shower, your blood vessels in your skin will fill with blood (think of that nice rosy glow you have post hot shower or exercise). To set yourself up for a restful night, a great science-backed hack is to have a hot shower and then go to sleep in an air-conditioned room. The main symptoms of work stress coincide with the symptomatology of other types of stress and cause psychological and physical symptoms. Also, the essential oils act by inhalation and make you feel relaxed, thanks to their soothing aroma. After dealing with stress at work all day, it’s best to get some fresh air and contact with nature.

  • Listening to an interesting podcast in between meetings or watching a funny Youtube video can give you relaxing pauses throughout the day.
  • Being organized with your time means less rushing in the morning to avoid being late as well as less hustling to get out at the end of the day.
  • There are many reasons we do this, but there are more important reasons why we can and should learn to stop.

It can also prime you to appreciate your loved ones more when you get home to them. After all, we spend a significant part of our waking hours at work. These strategies can help you leave your work stress where it belong—at work. Complaining about work to a loved one is a common pastime of people with stressful jobs. If I stall a bit, my urge to leave the house again sharply decreases. So, right after getting home, I set my purse down, grab the boy and we go for a walk around the neighborhood.

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